
8 Surprising Benefits of a Full Body Massage

A full-body massages – soft music, low lighting, a feeling of tranquility, it’s bliss. But what most people don’t know is that while you might be in a state of total relaxation your body is going into full activation mode during a massage. A massage stimulates your nervous system; wakes up your muscles, organs, and glands; moves blood and lymph fluid, and gets multitudes of cells to produce and release chemicals and hormones. Your body needs a massage to renew itself and reverse the effects of stress. Here are a few of the benefits you receive during massage 1. Skin refresh The slight friction of your massage therapist’s hands along with the massage lotion and oil causes gentle exfoliation, allowing fresh skin cells to emerge. 2. Nervous system relaxation As you relax, your nervous system enters a “rest and digest” mode. If you have areas of pain and tension in your body, it’s possible that they are the result of pressure on nerves caused by tight muscles, and massage m...

6 Ways To Take Care of Your Body

Taking care of our body is a continuous process which keeps us fit, healthy and happy. We shouldn’t wait until we get sick before we slow down to take care of our body. Let us start by being aware of our body right now. Be thankful that we are alive and that we live in our body and decide to take good care of it. Jim Rohn said: ” Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn To take good care of our body, we have to listen to it and consider the elements which are going to help the body feel good and renew itself: elements such as cultivating health-habits, water and nutrition, rest and sleep, exercise, fresh air, and I will add beautifying the superficial. 1 – Seek Fresh Air The importance of fresh air is often underestimated. With lack of fresh air, the brain does not have enough oxygen to work properly, and we feel mentally and physically tired. Seek fresh air every time you can. Let fresh air enter the place you live or work by opening th...

5 Ways to Make Healthy Food That (Actually) Tastes GOOD

The mantra that we teach all our Members is to eat for Nourishment and Satisfaction™. So this got me thinking about something I come across A LOT with people trying to eat better to lose weight or improve their blood sugars, pressure or cholesterol: Most people don’t know how to make healthy food that actually tastes GOOD. I see this a lot with our Members saying things like, “I think my problem is I just don’t like healthy food” or “it’s hard for me to cook healthy (in order to lose weight) because my family doesn’t like it” or “I often find myself snacking or craving sweets after a healthy dinner”. To which I say: “You’re just not doing it right!” But seriously, it’s actually really easy to make healthy food that tastes good, WHEN YOU KNOW HOW! And one of the most rewarding parts of my job is hearing back from our surprised and delighted Members when they discover that they — and their families — love the healthy, quick, easy meals they make with Homemade Cooking. ...


Do you have an upcoming surgery scheduled? Are you wondering if there is a post surgery diet you can follow that is full of vitamins for recovery? Eating the right foods after surgery can promote faster healing and minimize the swelling, bruising and inflammation that often accompany a surgical procedure. Certain foods can also minimize digestive upset caused by antibiotics and prevent constipation caused by pain meds. Not to mention, fueling your body properly will give you the energy needed to get back to your normal routine more quickly. What are the best foods to eat after surgery? Here’s our top 10 list: 1. Lean Protein Collagen, the most abundant protein in the body, plays an important role in knitting tissue back together. Typical protein intake is around 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. But, after surgery, the demands for protein are much higher, especially if you have incisions to repair. Aim to get 1.5 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram. F...

Top 10 Health Tips for 2019

Everyone wants to live a healthy life. However, the road to achieving and then maintaining a healthy life is what a lot of people aren’t interested in walking. Staying healthy requires persistence as ensuring that your body remains sound is an ever-continuing job. What is health? Health can be defined as the overall level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism. When looking specifically at human beings, health can be described as the ability to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental, psychological and social changes concerning the environment. The World Health Organization (WHO), has defined health as, “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” A lot of times, due to various reasons, people fail to realize that our health is our primary asset. We tend to ignore minor headaches or heartaches just to keep up with our busy schedules. What we don’t take into considerati...